Historia Antiqua Chapter (2024)

Historia Antiqua Chapter is the Story Quest chapter for Zhongli.


  • 1 List of Acts
  • 2 Summary
    • 2.1 Act I - Sal Flore
    • 2.2 Act II - No Mere Stone
  • 3 Characters
  • 4 Total Rewards
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 Other Languages
  • 8 Change History

List of Acts[]

  • Act I - Sal Flore
    • Requirements:
      • Reach Adventure Rank 40
      • Spend 1 Story Key
      • Complete Archon Quest Chapter I: Act III - A New Star Approaches
  • Act II - No Mere Stone
    • Requirements:
      • Reach Adventure Rank 40
      • Spend 1 Story Key
      • Complete Archon Quest Chapter I: Act IV - We Will Be Reunited


Act I - Sal Flore[]

Main article: Sal Flore

He has just signed the contract to end all contracts. His stories are told all throughout this vast land.
Be that as it may, all shall be erased by the passage of time — and that is why a record must be left behind.
But even the firmest bedrock does not last forever.
And so, a medium more reliable than bedrock, deities, or anything else in this world must be found to store the legacy of Rex Lapis. That medium is you — the Traveler who traverses countless worlds.

Shadow of Yore

Arriving to the Pearl Galley, the Traveler and Paimon run into Zhongli and several Liyue archaeologists discussing about the origins and whereabouts of the first Mora. While listening in on Zhongli's request, a Fatuus named Kliment comes in. The Traveler and Paimon are naturally on high alert due to their mistrust of the Fatui, but Kliment claims that he is not like the others and that he has registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs. He also reveals that he hired Zhongli as a consultant for his research, with another archaeologist, Wanyan, joining in. Zhongli asks the Traveler to accompany him, much to Kliment's annoyance as he refuses to let them come, but the Fatui archaeologist quickly rescinds when Zhongli tells him that they can easily find treasure.

Vortex's Wake

Arriving at the Guyun Stone Forest, Kliment doubts they can find anything of importance, but Zhongli tells him that the place is perfect for learning about ancient gods, since he had sealed them there as Rex Lapis. Zhongli accompanies the Traveler while Wanyan and Kliment go on their own paths. On the way, the Traveler finds a few unnoteworthy treasures, but soon find Hydro Mimics near a tablet. Defeating the monsters, Zhongli notes that the tablet has traces of divine power on it. They then return to the other two, who are arguing over each other's supposed lack of experience. Zhongli notes that they found a teacup and recognizes it as Ningguang's, advising Kliment not to sell it lest he get the wrath of the Liyue Qixing. Despite their arguing, Kliment chooses to head to Sal Terrae to search for more treasure.

A Ruin Under Lock and Key

Arriving at Sal Terrae, Kliment learns from Zhongli that the area did have many treasures, but were most likely pilfered off by Treasure Hoarders, much to his disgust. Wanyan states that she knows of a ruin in the area, but it is sealed and she has no idea how to open it, despite having found a mechanism. Zhongli states that there is more than one mechanism. They find another one nearby with several Electro Elemental Monuments nearby. Wanyan remembers that in her last visit here, she had an Electro Vision user accompany her, but nothing had happened.

Zhongli tells her that the monuments had to be activated in a specific order and recites a short puzzle. The Traveler manages to activate the monuments, which in turn activates the mechanism and unseals the ruins.

Before exploring the newly opened cavern, Zhongli, not wanting to see the pointless arguing he had seen earlier, gets the two into a contract in which they can claim one item from the ruins, with the next item being given to the other, and that he would leave them if they broke it. Kliment reluctantly agrees to it, while Wanyan counters back by telling him to judge the God of Salt's fate if they find the truth even if it hurts Morax's image, which he agrees to.

Farewell, Sweet Salt

With a contract made, they make their way inside, first discovering a chalice which Kliment immediately claims when Zhongli tells him that it will never run out of salt. Continuing on, they soon find a ruler which automatically belongs to Wanyan per the contract. Zhongli states that the ruler can make an endless bumper harvest of salt based on how deep it is. The greed-driven Kliment then breaks the contract. Zhongli easily defeats Kliment and confiscates the chalice, warning him to never return. He then focuses on Wanyan and states that neither Kliment or her came for archaeology, as she is unable to perform the basics, yet when it comes to the God of Salt, she knows everything about her.

Wanyan concedes and reveals herself to be one of the God of Salt's followers and that she wanted to find evidence to prove that Morax was evil and killed the God of Salt. Proceeding further into the ruins, they come across a broken sword. Zhongli states that she can only claim one half of it, much to her disbelief as she believed that it was nulled when Kliment broke it. Refusing to give up, Wanyan decides to break the contract, so Zhongli punishes her by telling the truth; the sword before them was the weapon used to murder Havria.

Baffled and enraged at this thought, Wanyan runs further into the temple, with the three in close pursuit. Arriving in an open chamber, they find more salinzed statues, including one in a pose that the Traveler recognizes as the killer. Zhongli states that when Havria was betrayed by her followers, her powers were still too much for them to handle, resulting in many of them becoming salinzed; those who were able to escape fled to Liyue and into Morax's care. Fearful of Havria's wrath, they returned to the temple to break the sword, hoping that she would forgive them. But as Havria was such a benevolent god, it was a fruitless act. Wanyan still refuses to accept the truth and leaves the ruins. Zhongli confiscates the salt ruler in the process.

Zhongli then tells the Traveler to meet him at Guyun Stone Forest once more for reasons unknown.

A Record of All Things

Returning to the forest, the Traveler finds Zhongli waiting for them at the highest peak. As Rex Lapis, he had written history with his own hands, but the incident that just occurred made him realize that he had to find another way to keep the truth. He reveals that he had the Traveler come along because they had traveled numerous worlds, and as such, would be able to retain Teyvat's history should something destroy the world. He then proceeds to throw Havria's relics into the sea to resign them to their fate. With the trip concluded, Zhongli tells the Traveler that they are welcome to assist him when he wishes to preserve Liyue's past.

Act II - No Mere Stone[]

Main article: No Mere Stone

A curious case has come to light due to a new commission from the Liyue Adventurers' Guild.
Missing miners, confounding clues... a surplus of suspicious signs.
Even Zhongli, who has been enjoying the fine life in the city, has been roped into this investigation. What could the truth behind the mysterious missing miners be?

Strange Sights, Stolen Souls

Arriving at Liyue, the Traveler and Paimon head to the local Adventurers' Guild branch and speak to Katheryne. She tells them that she has a commission for them; Uncle Dai is looking for someone to help him find workers. Dai tells them that he has an expert coming in to assist in ores and geological logistics. Paimon, skeptical of the claim, decides to bring Zhongli over. They find Zhongli at the Third-Round Knockout listening to the storyteller and ask him to come, which he accepts.

Returning to Dai, his expert, Kun Jun, finally arrives. The Traveler introduces the two to Zhongli, which surprises both men, as Zhongli is acclaimed for his knowledge in everything. Kun Jun takes out a rock, which Zhongli recognizes as a rare rock with water inside it. Dai also tells them that he found Kun Jun by the side of the road, much to Paimon's surprise, but because he knew more than him, decided to take him in for the upcoming job. Kun Jun suggests to Dai that he take Zhongli in, as it would help operations go a lot smoother. He accepts, and the group sets out to The Chasm.

Truth in the Stones

Arriving at the mine, Dai explains the incident; he and nine others were working at the mine, when he and half of his crew left to oversee other matters. When they returned, they found four miners — Long, Bold Cen, Brave Cen and Mao to be missing. He and the others tried to search for them, but could not find them, hence why he put a commission in. Zhongli asks Dai if the men had left, but he tells him that there are no lodgings or other mines in the area. Zhongli then decides to look around for clues.

They learn that the missing men had taken only their pickaxes and mining baskets when they disappeared, while neglecting all of their other essentials. Another miner who remained behind, Bravo, had fallen asleep when the miners had left, and was unaffected by whatever befell the others. Finally, they find Kun Jun, who is next to a deposit of Cor Lapis. He reveals that he has the ability to see the memories of stones, something which Zhongli compliments. Looking at the mineral's memory, he tells them that the four miners had been led away from the mine by a young girl.

With all the evidence in hand, they return to Dai. Dai is surprised that a child had led his men away, but is convinced by the three that it is not false. Dai initially tries to chase after his men, but Zhongli discourages him from doing so, as it had been six days since the incident. He realizes the mistake and agrees with Zhongli, instead opting to ask nearby settlements if any of them hosted his men for the night with the rest of his group. He tells them to meet at Wangshu Inn the following day if they have anything to share.

Paimon suggests they resume their investigation, but Zhongli reminds her that they're missing Kun Jun. They find him not too far. He reveals that he is also looking for a stone called Dragonfall, and also that his memory is very hazy, but finding Dragonfall will allow him to remember what he needed to do. Zhongli agrees to help him acquire some if he does find some. He also tells them that they'll be heading to Lingju Pass, believing they'll find traces of the missing miners there.

Shifting Earth and Lost Threads Come to Light

Arriving at the Lingju Pass, Paimon spots one of the miner's baskets in the distance. Zhongli tells them that they will continue following the tracks wherever they go. However, the tracks quickly end, so they ask the people in the area if they've seen the miners. The last person, Ling, tells them that she saw the miners, all lifeless and following a small, blue-haired girl who looked extremely serious.

Following the tracks, they soon find a woman being attacked by Pyro Slimes and Geovishap Hatchlings. Clearing the monsters, the woman thanks them for the rescue, and introduces herself as Wanyu. Paimon asks her that they were looking for miners. Wanyu tells her she did, but could not recognize them while departing from Nantianmen. Skeptical of the new lead, Kun Jun notices another outcrop of Cor Lapis and confirms that it is the group they are looking for. Zhongli notes that the Geovishaps were unusually aggressive and leaves behind a mark in case Dai follows them.

Arriving at Nantianmen, they find one of the collapsed men, who is muttering about his ability to continue working. They bring him to a nearby camp. Kun Jun notices some fragments in the man's pocket, confirming him to one of the missing miners. He gives the Traveler and Zhongli special stones in thanks as he is slowly regaining his memory. During this interaction, Zhongli appears hesitant to accept the gift, stating that he had not expected to receive anything at such a time. When Kun Jun leaves to check the other rocks, Zhongli proceeds to tell the Traveler how Dragonfall is forged; rather than heat, it is created by elemental reactions, and that it was mined to obscurity a few centuries ago. Kun Jun's interest in finding the mineral is thus unusual for a person of this day and age. Paimon and the Traveler raise the concern that Kun Jun may have harmful intentions, but Zhongli advises that they can do nothing other than watch and wait.

Amidst Chaos, the Rock is Unmoved

Fully rested, the Traveler catches up to Kun Jun. He had investigated the rocks but found nothing interesting from them. He explains that while the rocks hold many memories, they only keep the most prominent ones; the rest eventually become forgotten. They then decide to check the massive tree nearby. The group separates, with Zhongli going one way and the Traveler, Paimon and Kun Jun going the other. Kun Jun finds a tablet and gets a headache from viewing its memory, before Paimon suggests the Traveler scale the tree. She then remembers she could fly, but before she does so, Zhongli calls them over.

Zhongli has discovered a tunnel, advising the Traveler to be prepared before entering. With preparations complete, they head inside, finding the remaining miners, engulfed in a malevolent aura. The miners soon spot the group and attack. Zhongli uses his skills to create a barrier to push the miners back, but the aura simply leaves the miners and slips underneath the barrier, transforming into the girl who attacks from behind. Kun Jun blocks the attack, but parts of it are redirected to the seal in the process, dragging the entire group into the domain.

Inside, the group is met by Azhdaha, who immediately recognizes Zhongli as Morax's vessel and declares he will get his vengeance for his supposed "betrayal". The Traveler and Zhongli manage to subdue and re-imprison Azhdaha, who returns to its form as the little girl. Zhongli deduces that Azhdaha had been waiting for an opportunity to break free of his prison, just as Kun Jun arrives with a white aura engulfing him. He reveals himself to be a fragment of Azhdaha, his benevolent consciousness, much to the corrupted's shock. The corrupted Azhdaha asks his other self why he has sided with the betrayer. Zhongli admits that he had his suspicions when he mentioned Dragonfall, but would be more certain if he had more power. Kun Jun asks Zhongli if he wishes to tell the story of Azhdaha, but Zhongli allows him to tell it instead.

Kun Jun explains that as a whole, Azhdaha was a friend of humanity and the Geo Archon. However, as time passed, he began suffering from "erosion" and slowly began to forget Morax's face and his purpose and became aggressive. The corrupted side insists that it was because humanity disturbed the Ley Lines of the Chasm, which the benevolent side confirms. This caused Azhdaha to split into two; his physical body, crazed and savage, and his consciousness, benevolent and kind. Despite Morax's attempts to stop the erosion, it ultimately failed and he was forced to seal his old friend away with the help of his benevolent consciousness, Mountain Shaper, Moon Carver and a third unknown adeptus.

The benevolent consciousness reminds his corrupted self that his fate is an inevitable misfortune, just as the corrupted self's strength expires and is re-sealed once more. Zhongli immediately takes note that the benevolent side's strength is nearly spent, but reminds him of the miners that his corrupted self brought into the fray. Returning outside, they find Dai, who had followed the clues Zhongli left behind for him. Kun Jun asks Dai to be taken back to the harbor, who agrees despite noticing the aura around him. Azhdaha's benevolence thanks Zhongli for his assistance and learns that he has stepped down as the Geo Archon. He worries that no one will be prepared to deal with his corrupted self if he awakens once more, but Zhongli reassures him that Liyue will be prepared should that time ever come. The benevolent consciousness soon leaves Kun Jun's body, leaving him unconscious in front of the trio.

As Zhongli reminisces over the past, a story is told in which Azhdaha wished to see the surface and the life up there. Morax granted Azhdaha a form and sight to do so, but warned him that if he were to disturb the order, he would seal him back underground. Zhongli then explains to the Traveler and Paimon about his fight with the crazed Azhdaha at the Chasm and his experiences with "erosion."

The Traveler then remembers their travel with Dainsleif and asks Zhongli if he knows anything about the fall of Khaenri'ah, feeling that he may know something. Zhongli states that he is aware of the incident, but refuses to disclose anything, as he had been bound by a contract to not speak of it well before the Traveler came. The Traveler believes him and does not pry further. Zhongli however, reminds them that they still have a long road ahead of them, and that there have been many secrets hidden and forgotten underneath the earth that only they can bring to the light.


19 Characters appear in this Chapter:

  • Azhdaha
  • Bravo
  • Hanxue
  • Iron Tongue Tian
  • Jiu
  • Katheryne
  • Kliment
  • Kun Jun
  • Ling
  • Missing Miners
  • Paimon
  • Traveler
  • Uncle Dai
  • Wanyan
  • Wanyu
  • Wei
  • Yixuan
  • Yonggui
  • Zhongli

Total Rewards[]

4,275 Adventure EXP

120 Primogem

247,900 Mora

8 Adventurer's Experience

26 Hero's Wit

53 Mystic Enhance­ment Ore

10 Guide to Gold

1 Dream Solvent


  • Historia Antiqua means "Ancient History" in Latin.
  • This, along with Neuvillette's story chapter, are the only instances of a chapter of character story quest's not matching with the respective character's constellation name.
  • Zhongli was the first character to get a second act of a story quest


Story Quest Overview

Act I

Act I before Version 1.4

Act II Special Program Announcement

Story Quest Act II Overview

Act II In-Game Announcement

Act II

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishHistoria Antiqua ChapterLatin: Ancient History Chapter
Gǔwén zhī Zhāng
Chapter of Ancient Stories
Gǔwén zhī Zhāng
Kobun no Shou‍[!][!]
Ancient Stories Chapter
Yenniyagi-ui Jang
Old Story Chapter
SpanishHistoria Antiqua
FrenchHistoria Antiqua
RussianИстории Древности
Istorii Drevnosti
Stories of Antiquity
Bot Haeng Oditkan
Chapter of the Past
VietnameseChương Lời Đồn Năm XưaAncient Rumor Chapter
GermanHistoria Antiqua
IndonesianChapter Historia Antiqua
PortugueseHistória Antiga
TurkishKadim Zamanların Öyküsü Bölümü
ItalianCapitolo dell'Historia Antiqua

Change History[]

Released in Version 1.1

[Edit History]

Version 1.5

  • Act II was released.

Version 1.1

  • December 1, 2020 — Act I was released.
Historia Antiqua Chapter (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.