A Ruin Under Lock and Key (2024)

in:Quests, Story Quests, Historia Antiqua Chapter Quests,

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  • Sal Flore Quests
  • Zhongli Quests
  • Liyue Quests
  • Bishui Plain Quests
  • Sal Terrae Quests
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  • Quests with Voice-Overs
  • A Ruin Under Lock and Key
  • Dialogue
  • Released in Version 1.1


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A Ruin Under Lock and Key is the third part of Zhongli's Story Quest Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act I - Sal Flore.


  • 1 Steps
  • 2 Gameplay Notes
  • 3 Dialogue
  • 4 Video Guides
  • 5 Other Languages
  • 6 Change History


  1. Go to Sal Terrae
  2. Go to the first contraption
  3. Look for a spot from which the picture formed by the relics can be seen
  4. Go to the second contraption
  5. Follow Zhongli's instructions and light the monuments up
    • Requires Electro to activate the monuments.
    • Must be unlocked in the order of south, east, west, north.
  6. Go to the site of the broken seal

Gameplay Notes[]

Angling of the relics

Order for unlocking each elemental monument


A Ruin Under Lock and Key (3) Quest Description

Step 1: The expedition to investigate Osial in the Guyun Stone Forest came away with slim pickings. Kliment and Wanyan also clashed vociferously over their differing perspectives, which has greatly displeased the former.During the argument, he heard Wanyan mention the tale of the God of Salt, and decided to take the party there to try their luck, lest he finishes this venture empty-handed.

Step 4: Wanyan mentions that there is an unbreakable seal in Sal Terrae, and that this seal contains that which the God of Salt left behind. You unlock the first contraption with ease, while Zhongli stated that the key to the second puzzle lies within this statement: "Tianheng in the south, Yaoguang in the east, Jueyun in the west, Qingce in the north — All desolate and devoid of life. Liyue is vast, yet even one haven is hard to find."

(Talk to the people)
Media:vo zllq003 2 kliment 01.ogg Kliment: I heard that Sal Terrae was once the home of the God of Salt's people. Therefore... *chuckles* There are sure to be loads of valuable relics nearby.
Media:vo zllq003 2 zhongli 01.ogg Zhongli: According to legend, the people of the God of Salt, Havria, enjoyed prosperous lives under her protection.
Media:vo zllq003 2 zhongli 02.ogg Zhongli: But this legend has been around for ages. With the countless scrap collectors and Treasure Hoarders in the area, there probably aren't many valuable things left here.
Media:vo zllq003 2 kliment 02.ogg Kliment: Gah, that's just great... If I knew it was picked this clean before, I wouldn't have come.
Media:vo zllq003 2 wanyan 01.ogg Wanyan: About that, I know there's a ruin deep in this cave here. It's related to the God of Salt, which is actually how the area originally got its name of Sal Terrae.
Media:vo zllq003 2 wanyan 02.ogg Wanyan: However, the ruin entrance has been sealed by a mysterious power. Nobody has been able to break the seal.
Media:vo zllq003 2 wanyan 03.ogg Wanyan: I found a mechanism that seemed to be related to the seal. But when I undid the mechanism, the seal wasn't affected at all.
Media:vo zllq003 2 wanyan 04.ogg Wanyan: So at the moment, the seal's origin and how to break it are very important topics in my research on the God of Salt
A Ruin Under Lock and Key (4) Is it related to the God of Salt's people?
A Ruin Under Lock and Key (5) Is it related to Rex Lapis?
Media:vo zllq003 2 wanyan 05.ogg Wanyan: I don't know, there's no concrete evidence. But I'm pretty sure the seal is meant to hide some kind of long-forgotten truth.
Media:vo zllq003 2 wanyan 06.ogg Wanyan: The God of Salt was a benevolent god adored by the people, not to mention powerful. She wouldn't have any kind of shameful secrets to hide.
Media:vo zllq003 2 wanyan 07.ogg Wanyan: So... The one who wants to hide some truth is very possibly her killer, Morax.
Media:vo zllq003 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: This doesn't sound like something the Lord of Geo would do, though...
Media:vo zllq003 2 kliment 03.ogg Kliment: Who cares about all that? It sounds like countless treasures of the God of Salt lie within this ruin, just waiting for someone to find them, right!?
Media:vo zllq003 2 wanyan 08.ogg Wanyan: You weren't listening at all, were you? Argh... Even if there's a mountain of treasures inside, nobody can get in if the seal isn't broken.
Media:vo zllq003 2 kliment 04.ogg Kliment: Ah, but we have the illustrious Mr. Zhongli with us! He looks like he knows just about everything — a little seal shouldn't be any trouble for him.
Media:vo zllq003 2 wanyan 09.ogg Wanyan: This seal seems to be quite ancient. Even Mr. Zhongli may not know all of its secrets...
Media:vo zllq003 2 zhongli 03.ogg Zhongli: I may know something about it.
Media:vo zllq003 2 wanyan 10.ogg Wanyan: Wh—Whaaat!?
Media:vo zllq003 2 zhongli 04.ogg Zhongli: Over the years, I've heard various rumors with bits of knowledge about seals. Although their references seem rather disorderly, they do in fact contain the secret to breaking seals.
Media:vo zllq003 2 zhongli 05.ogg Zhongli: Let's go take a look at the mechanism Miss Wanyan just mentioned.
Media:vo zllq003 2 wanyan 11.ogg Wanyan: Okay, since Mr. Zhongli says so... Follow me, then.
(Go to the first mechanism)
Media:vo zllq003 3 wanyan 01.ogg Wanyan: Here it is. There's some debris scattered here that, when put together, look like they definitely had something to do with the God of Salt.
Media:vo zllq003 3 wanyan 02.ogg Wanyan: According to the inscription on the side, if one looks from a certain angle, the secret to the mechanism will be revealed.
(After activating the first mechanism)
Media:vo zllq003 3 wanyan 03.ogg Wanyan: See that? Although we activated the mechanism, nothing happened to the seal...
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 01.ogg Zhongli: That's because there's actually another mechanism that must be activated.
Media:vo zllq003 3 wanyan 04.ogg Wanyan: A—Another?
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 02.ogg Zhongli: Let me lead the way from here.
(Go to the second mechanism)
Media:vo zllq003 3 wanyan 05.ogg Wanyan: This place seems familiar... Ah, I remember! I think there's some elemental monuments here — so you're saying they're related to all this?
Media:vo zllq003 3 wanyan 06.ogg Wanyan: When I investigated this seal last time, I had someone with a Vision accompany me.
Media:vo zllq003 3 wanyan 07.ogg Wanyan: But when we lit up all the elemental monuments, nothing happened...
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 03.ogg Zhongli: That's because you don't just need to activate them at the same time, but in a certain order as well. Otherwise, the seal will not be broken.
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 04.ogg Zhongli: The secret to this puzzle is hidden in the legends about the Archon War.
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 05.ogg Zhongli: "Tianheng in the south, Yaoguang in the east, Jueyun in the west, Qingce in the north — All desolate and devoid of life. Liyue is vast, yet even one haven is hard to find."
Media:vo zllq003 3 kliment 01.ogg Kliment: To the north... to the east... Do the people of Liyue always talk in riddles?
Media:vo zllq003 3 wanyan 08.ogg Wanyan: I—I think I've heard this saying before!
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 06.ogg Zhongli: Certainly you have, and the contents of this saying are also related to the God of Salt.
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 07.ogg Zhongli: To provide a haven for her people, whose lives had been ravaged by the Archon War, this benevolent god searched all across Liyue.
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 08.ogg Zhongli: At that time, with the chaotic fires of war engulfing the land, even one sliver of peace was a luxury.
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 09.ogg Zhongli: And that haven she eventually found is right here. Today, it is known as Sal Terrae.
Media:vo zllq003 3 wanyan 09.ogg Wanyan: How sad then... In the end, this peaceful place was destroyed by Morax.
Media:vo zllq003 3 kliment 02.ogg Kliment: Okay, enough with these ancient stories. Now that we have the clue, hurry up and break the seal! Whatever happened doesn't matter as long as we can get inside that ruin!
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 10.ogg Zhongli: Now think (Traveler), "Tianheng in the south, Yaoguang in the east, Jueyun in the west, Qingce in the north."
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 11.ogg Zhongli: With this clue, you should be able to solve the puzzle.
(If failed to activate the elemental monuments correctly)
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 12.ogg Zhongli: Tianheng in the south, Yaoguang in the east, Jueyun in the west, Qingce in the north.
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 13.ogg Zhongli: The directions are the clue. Give it another try.
(Follow Zhongli's instructions and light the monuments up)
Media:vo zllq003 3 wanyan 10.ogg Wanyan: Look! The seal really was broken! Mr. Zhongli is indeed quite remarkable!
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 14.ogg Zhongli: It was nothing, really.
Media:vo zllq003 3 zhongli 15.ogg Zhongli: Now, it's time that people learn the hidden truth lost in time.
(Go to the site of the broken seal)
Media:vo zllq003 6 zhongli 01.ogg Zhongli: Before entering the ruin, I have a proposal that will help us prevent the kind of senseless arguing between you two that we saw at Guyun Stone Forest.
Media:vo zllq003 6 wanyan 01.ogg Wanyan: Okay, what is it?
Media:vo zllq003 6 zhongli 02.ogg Zhongli: I propose you two agree upon a contract, stipulating that we alternate who gets claim to each treasure we encounter, with only one object permitted per claim.
Media:vo zllq003 6 zhongli 03.ogg Zhongli: To show my sincerity, I won't be taking any treasure — this will just be between you all.
A Ruin Under Lock and Key (6) I won't take any either.
Media:vo zllq003 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Heyyy! Don't pass an opportunity like this up so easily!
Media:vo zllq003 6 kliment 01.ogg Kliment: I don't agree! I mean... you want me to split the treasure with this amateur archaeologist? No, absolutely not!
Media:vo zllq003 6 wanyan 02.ogg Wanyan: I don't agree either! Hmph, he will only defile the precious relics left behind by the God of Salt! I—I can't accept this.
Media:vo zllq003 6 zhongli 04.ogg Zhongli: Well then... If the contract is not agreed upon, I will no longer serve as your consultant on this expedition.
Media:vo zllq003 6 zhongli 05.ogg Zhongli: You will have to rely on your own experience to find whatever treasures are hidden in this ruin, as well as traps.
Media:vo zllq003 6 kliment 02.ogg Kliment: Y—You have the audacity to demand this... Okay then. Even half of the treasure in the long-sealed ruin of the God of Salt should be enough to make a fortune.
Media:vo zllq003 6 wanyan 03.ogg Wanyan: If you want me to agree upon this contract, so be it... I just have one request, Mr. Zhongli.
Media:vo zllq003 6 wanyan 04.ogg Wanyan: If we discover the truth behind the God of Salt, you must judge it fairly, even if the truth harms Morax's image.
Media:vo zllq003 6 zhongli 06.ogg Zhongli: I can accept this arrangement.
Media:vo zllq003 6 zhongli 07.ogg Zhongli: Well then, let's go.

Video Guides[]

A Ruin Under Lock and Key Quest Guide 1

A Ruin Under Lock and Key Quest Guide 2

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishA Ruin Under Lock and Key
Shēnsuǒ zhī Jì
Deeply Locked Ruins
Shēnsuǒ zhī Jī
Shinsa no Ato
Deeply Locked Ruins
Korean굳게 닫힌 유적
Gutge Dachin Yujeok
Tightly Closed Ruin
SpanishUnas ruinas bajo llaveA Ruin Under Lock and Key
FrenchUne ruine sous cléA Ruin Under Lock and Key
RussianРуины под замком
Ruiny pod zamkom
Ruins Under a Lock
Phanuek haeng Huang-luek
The Seal of the Depths
VietnameseDi Tích Khóa ChặtLocked Ruin
GermanRuinen unter VerschlussRuins Under Closure
IndonesianReruntuhan di Bawah KunciA Ruin Under Key
PortugueseUma Ruína Sob a FechaduraA Ruin Under a Lock
TurkishKilitli Bir Harabe
ItalianDelle rovine chiuse a chiave

Change History[]

Released in Version 1.1

[Create New History]


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  • Fantasy
  • Genshin Impact
A Ruin Under Lock and Key (2024)


How to activate a ruin under lock and key? ›

Steps. Requires Electro to activate the monuments. Must be unlocked in the order of south, east, west, north.

How to follow Zhongli's instructions and light up the monuments? ›

Go to Sal Terrae and meet up with the others at the marker. Head over to the first contraption and stand at the marker and align the camera angle to complete the picture. Go to the second contraption and using an Electro character, activate the 4 monuments in the following order: South, East, West, North.

What is the name of Zhongli's story quest? ›

Once Travelers have reached the required Adventure Rank and completed the prerequisite quests, you may use a Story Key to unlock Zhongli's story quest, the Historia Antiqua Chapter. Travelers can obtain Story Keys by completing Daily Commissions.

Where can I find Zhongli? ›

Zhongli. As usual, Zhongli is at the Third-Round Knockout, listening to the Storyteller. The shop is near the East Waypoint in Liyue Harbor.

How do you activate ruin guard? ›

From the Teleport Waypoint west of the Qiaoying Village, head to the ruins in the northwest to find a broken Ruin Guard in a small cave. Place the Ruin Machine Core into the Ruin Guard, and the robot will start to move, initiating a battle.

How do you unlock ruin? ›

To unlock the Ruin Serpent, you need to complete the Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering World Quest, which is the second quest under The Chasm Delvers Quest Chain. This quest unlocks the first portion of The Chasm: Underground Mines map!

How do you activate elemental monuments in Genshin? ›

It's honestly very simple process. All you need to do is activate your characters power around the elemental statues for each and every one of them. Also, make sure you're starting from outside the swirl and begin going inwards after just like how I demonstrated in the image.

How long is Hu Tao's story quest? ›

The quest, admittedly, starts out very slow but the pay off at the end with Hu Tao hits better than any other character quest except Venti's (oh the feels on the Venti quest) In just 40 minutes of playtime, you get so much information about Hu Tao, her personality and her quirks and why she is the way she is.

What is Zhongli's pillar for? ›

The pillars that Zhongli summons are quite unique as they can be climbed. This allows for plunging attacks and can be especially fierce when used with the five-star anemo character Xiao. These pillars can also be used to get catalysts and bow users above enemies to safely deal damage.

Who is Zhongli's boyfriend? ›

Guili is the het ship between Guizhong and Zhongli from the Genshin Impact fandom.

What is Zhongli's god name? ›

It is revealed at the end of Chapter I: Act III, "A New Star Approaches," that Zhongli was the instigator behind the act's events and the Geo Archon, Morax. Morax was known by many other titles, including the Warrior God, the God of Contracts, and Deus Auri.

What is Zhongli's second name? ›

Zhongli Quan, courtesy name Jidao, is a Chinese mythological figure and one of the Eight Immortals in the Taoist pantheon. He is also known as Han Zhongli because he was said to have been born in the Han dynasty.

What happened to the god of salt in Genshin Impact? ›

Introduction. Havria was a goddess known as the God of Salt who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the many gods of Liyue. Her extraordinarily gentle nature saw her quickly ousted in the hubris of the Archon War, before being ruthlessly murdered by one of her own followers.

Where is Xiao in Lantern Rite 2024? ›

Xiao. You can find Xiao at the Pervases' Temple southwest of Liyue Harbor.

What does Zhongli say about osmanthus wine? ›

"Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember... But where are those who share the memory?" Genshin Impact | HoYoLAB.

How do you trigger Zhongli's shield? ›

How do I use Genshin Impact's Zhongli? To use Zhongli as a shielder, simply hold his skill to deploy a Stone Stele, and apply a shield to your active character.

What do you need to ascend Zhongli? ›

In total, here's all the Zhongli Ascension Materials in Genshin Impact: x1 Prithiva Topaz Silver. x6 Prithiva Topaz Gemstone. x9 Prithiva Topaz Fragment.

How to get sal flore quest? ›

Sal Flore is the first act of Zhongli's Story Quest, the Historia Antiqua Chapter. In order to unlock this quest line, the player needs a Story Key, must have completed Chapter I: Act III - A New Star Approaches, and reached Adventure Rank 40.

What to focus on when building Zhongli? ›

Zhongli's Talent Priority

Depending on your build path, you would want to level up Zhongli's Elemental Skill when built as a support to strengthen his shield, or his Elemental Burst when built as a DPS to increase his meteor's damage.

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