The Ultimate Guide to TikTok Advertising in 2024 (2024)

Since bursting onto the social media scene in 2018, TikTok has enjoyed exponential growth. It has more than 1 billion monthly active users and, as reported by Sensor Tower, TikTok had more than 3 billion app downloads worldwide. This made TikTok the only app outside Facebook to reach that 3 billion downloads milestone.

TikTok is a short-form mobile video platform that provides content creators a chance to reach a large community. And, with TikTok Ads Manager, brands can tap into TikTok’s global audience. In this guide to TikTok advertising, we share everything you need to know to target the right audience, create ads, and track your campaign performance.

The Ultimate Guide to TikTok Advertising in 2024:

  • Why TikTok Advertising?
  • TikTok Ads Manager Overview
  • TikTok Advertising Guide
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Why TikTok Advertising?

The Ultimate Guide to TikTok Advertising in 2024 (1)

TikTok is largely favored by Gen Z, but more older users have started jumping on the platform since 2020. According to Statista, the share of 24–34-year-olds on the platform is 31%. At the same time, the 35–44-year-old demographic is around 13.1%. With such a broad range of ages represented on the platform, it’s a good chance that your target audience is on there.

TikTok’s content consists of 15–60-second videos. This format means that ad spots are at a premium since they aren’t likely to get lost in a sea of competing ads like they can on other platforms. And TikTok has an easy-to-use self-service advertising platform that makes it a breeze to create an engaging ad campaign.

As with any advertising platform, TikTok advertising isn’t for all brands. It’s important to consider your target audience and find out if they’re using the platform (remember, it’s largely dominated by Gen Z and Millennial audiences). If your target demographic is Baby Boomers, TikTok advertising is not for you.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the key benefits of TikTok advertising.

Effective Reach and Engagement

TikTok’s audience spans more than 150 countries and it’s one of the most downloaded apps worldwide. Plus, TikTok ads can be placed on the platform’s other products, too.

Targeting Your Potential Customers Precisely

TikTok lets you target just the right audience using age, gender, location, interests, and more. You can also create custom audiences and lookalike audiences to reach people like your existing customers.

Transparent Measurement & Trusted Data Partners

TikTok includes measurement tools so you can track your ads’ performance. Similar to Facebook, TikTok uses a tracking pixel to monitor your ad performance and measure results by tracking the behavior or your website visitors.

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TikTok Ads Manager Overview

TikTok Ads Manager has all the tools you need to create, launch, manage, and track your TikTok advertising campaigns. In this section, we walk you through each section of the TikTok Ads Manager. If you’re new to the platform, take a look at our TikTok marketing guide.


On the dashboard, you’ll get an overview of your TikTok ad data and be able to track performance changes. You’ll find information related to active campaigns, ad budget spend, ad performance over time, and more.


On the Campaign page, you’ll be able to see all of your campaigns, ad groups, and ads and manage them. By clicking the Create button, you can create an ad immediately.


This section of the TikTok Ads Manager is where your ad resources are held. Here you’ll find everything you need to create or manage ad creative, audiences, pixels, and more.


In the Reporting section of the TikTok Ads Manager, you’ll be able to create custom ad reports or create reports using one of the included pre-defined templates. You can run reports on the fly or schedule reports to be delivered when and where you need them.

TikTok Advertising Guide

Creating ads on TikTok is easy. You start by creating a Campaign, move on to building Ad Groups, and then create your Ads. It’s important to understand how each of these components works together so you can create a successful advertising campaign. This will help you set up target audiences, set up a realistic budget, and design eye-catching creative, expanding your ad reach, improving ad performance, and meeting your TikTok advertising goals.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to TikTok advertising.

Create a TikTok Ad Campaign

The first thing to do when you want to run an ad on TikTok is to create a campaign and your campaign objectives. You can choose from different objectives like app installs and traffic. To create a TikTok ad campaign:

  1. Choose your campaign objective
  2. Set your campaign budget

Set up a Campaign

Sign up for a TikTok Ads account and log into the TikTok Ads Manager. To create an ad, click Campaign > Create:

Choose the Right Objective

What are your business goals? Do you want to increase traffic to your website? Drive conversions? Get more people to check out your video content? Your objective is what you want viewers to do when they see your ads. For TikTok ads, those objectives can be in one of three categories: awareness, consideration, or conversion.

Set Up a Campaign Name & Budget

Your campaign budget is the amount that you’re willing to spend on running your ads. Once you hit your budgeted amount, your ad will stop being served. Setting a budget helps you keep tabs on your marketing budget, control delivery of your ad, and measure ad performance. There are 3 budget choices:

  • No Limit: With an unlimited budget, there won’t be any restrictions on your ad delivery at the campaign level.
  • Daily Budget/Lifetime Budget: Ad delivery is limited by the daily or total budget at the campaign level. This limits the daily spend or total spend of all the ads within your campaign.

Each TikTok campaign you create can have multiple ad groups, making it easy to optimize ads and measure performance. Let’s take a look at how to create an ad group in TikTok Ads Manager.

Create an Ad Group

With TikTok advertising, you can set up ad placements, target audiences, budgets, schedules, goals, and bids for each ad group. Here’s how to set up an ad group in TikTok Ads Manager:

  1. Choose your ad placements
  2. Fill in your ad details
  3. Set a target audience
  4. Set up a budget and schedule
  5. Choose your optimization goals and bidding method

Set up an Ad Group

After creating a campaign, your next step is to set up your ad group. As we mentioned, you’d be able to choose ad placements, fill in ad details, and set your audience, budget, schedule, bidding method, and delivery type.

Step 1: Placements

You can either choose your own ad placements or choose Automatic Placements to have TikTok optimize your ad delivery across all placements. Not all placements are available everywhere. Here’s a list of placements and available locations.

Step 2: Ad Details

The Ad Details section is where you’ll fill out all the details related to the landing page or app you’re promoting.

  • Promotion Type: Depending on your campaign objective, you can choose either app install or website.
  • Display Name: Here’s where your brand name or app name goes.
  • Profile Image: The profile image is shown to your audience with your ad.
  • Category: Choose the ad category that describes your promotion to get the most from the advertising optimization model.
  • Ad Tags: Add up to 20 tags to describe your website or app. TikTok’s algorithms will use the tags as keywords to match your ads to the appropriate audience.
  • User Comment: If you don’t want users to be able to comment on your ads set this to off.
  • Video Download: If this is turned off, viewers won’t be able to download your video ads.

Step 3: Creative Type

TikTok offers automated creative optimization. When this option is turned on, TikTok will automatically generate combinations of your creative assets (images, videos, ad texts) and deliver the highest-performing combinations.

Step 4: Targeting

TikTok offers several options for creating or excluding custom and lookalike audiences. Plus, you can narrow your audience by demographics and device options like age, operating system, gender, carrier, interests, and more.

Step 5: Budget & Schedule

After you’ve set targeting for your ad, it’s time to set your budget and schedule.

  • Budget: You must set a daily budget of at least $20 no matter if you choose Daily Budget or Lifetime Budget.
  • Schedule: TikTok lets you set a start and end time for your ads, set a date range, or continuously run your ad once you’ve set it to run.
  • Dayparting: With this option, you can choose certain time periods throughout the day to show your ads. You can go really narrow with just a half-hour all the way up to 24 hours. If you choose All Day, your ads will run throughout the day, but choosing Select Specific Time limits your ads to those times during your scheduled campaign.

Take a look at the best times to post on TikTok to find out when your ad might get the most eyes on it.

Step 6: Bidding & Optimization

With TikTok ads, you can choose your bidding and optimization optins, using third-party tracking to monitor ad performance, if you want.

  • Optimization Goal: With certain campaign objectives, your optimization goal will be set by default. Otherwise, you’ll have the option of optimizing for conversions, clicks, or reach.
  • Billing Event: TikTok automatically sets billing events based on your chosen optimization goal. For reach, your ads will be billed as CPM (Cost Per Mille). For clicks, you’ll be billed based on CPC (Cost Per Click). And, for conversions, you’ll have the oCPC (optimization Cost Per Click) bidding method and pay via CPC.
  • Smart Optimization: Activating Smart Optimization allows TikTok to optimize conversion events and use smart delivery of your ad.
  • Bid Strategy: Standard Bid mode offers stricter control of your cost per result so the average cost per result stays within your bid.
  • Bidding: Set how much you’re willing to pay per click, conversion, or per thousand impressions and TikTok’s algorithm will deliver your ads accordingly.
  • Delivery Type: With Standard delivery, your ad budget will be spent evenly during the scheduled campaign time, but with Accelerate, your ad budget will be spent as quickly as possible.

You can have a single ad or multiple ads within each ad group. This lets you compare the delivery of different ads and optimize based on their performance. If you’re wondering how much advertising on the platform will set you back, check out our article about the cost of TikTok ads.

Create Your TikTok Ad

Now that you have your campaign and ad group set up, it’s time to create your TikTok ad. These are what you’ll be showing to your target audience and can be in the form of images or videos. You should also include copy and a strong call to action. Here’s how to create a TikTok ad:

  1. Upload images or videos
  2. Add ad copy and call-to-action buttons

TikTok Ads Manager includes video creation and editing tools that make it really easy to create high-quality, engaging ads even if you don’t have video editing experience. If you want something a bit more high-level, check out these TikTok video editing apps.

Let’s walk through the process of creating an ad on TikTok.

Set up an Ad

TikTok makes it very easy to create ads by uploading your own edited videos or images, or by designing ads within TikTok Ads Manager using the included video creation tools. Available ad formats and specifications will vary depending on the placements you choose.

Step 1: Add Creative

Start by choosing your ad format (either Image or Video). The TikTok ad placement only supports video ads. Images are available to choose because they can be used on TikTok’s News Feed apps. You can upload media to your ad by adding it from your computer, choosing it from your existing TikTok library, creating a new video, using a video template, or using Smart Video. With Smart Video, TikTok analyzes your media to create edited videos.

Step 2: Choose a Cover

Once you’ve uploaded your video, you’ll want to choose a cover photo by clicking Customize Video Thumbnails. Based on the length of your video, TikTok will show up to 8 frames for you to choose from. You also have the option to upload your own custom cover photo.

Step 3: Preview Your Creative

Now that you’ve got your ad creative set, it’s time to preview it. Ad previews aren’t device-specific; the actual ads will be adjusted depending on device and network conditions. TikTok recommends previewing ads on your actual device to get the best idea of what they will look like.

Step 4: Enter Ad Name

Name your ad something that makes it easily identifiable to you. This name is for internal reference, so it won’t be seen by viewers.

Step 5: Enter Ad Text

Enter the text that will appear above your ad. TikTok supports 12–100 English characters and 6–50 Chinese or Japanese characters (including punctuation and spaces). You can not use emojis, French braces, or hashtags. If your text is too long it may not display correctly on certain screens, so be sure to preview it!

Step 6: Add Call-to-Action

The final step to creating your TikTok ad is adding a call-to-action for your ad. TikTok has a few options to choose from:

  • Download Now
  • Learn More
  • Shop Now
  • Sign Up
  • Contact Us
  • Apply Now
  • Book Now

Once you’ve chosen your call-to-action, click the Submit button to create your ad. You can create another ad right away by clicking the Add button. You also have the option to Copy and existing ad or Delete the ad you just edited.

Track Ad Performance

Congratulations! You’ve created a TikTok ad. Now it’s time to track its performance. Fortunately, TikTok has the tools you need right in the Ads Manager. You’ll get a view of the overall data across your advertising campaigns from the Dashboard page. For details, you’ll definitely want to dig into the data provided on the Campaign page.


The Dashboard is where you can get up-to-date information on overall ad performance, ad spend, and the status of all of your TikTok advertising campaigns. Here you can:

  • Monitor operation logs from the Today’s Spends area
  • Check the status of all campaigns, ad groups, and ads
  • View performance metrics by different dimensions (including gender, operating system, dayparting, etc.)
  • Download and export data


On the Campaign page, you’ll be able to see the details for your campaigns, ad groups, and ads, as we mentioned.

TikTok also gives you different ways to filter, customize, and view your data.


Filter by different criteria so you can view data for only the campaigns you want to look at. You can change criteria easily or combine criteria for highly customized reporting. And, you can save custom filters for even easier access.


TikTok lets you set Custom Columns so you’re only seeing the data you want to see. You can also drag and drop columns to change how they appear and save your custom column view for easy access.

Viewing Data

By clicking View Data under each campaign, ad group, or ad, you can check out the performance data and audience analysis for a custom time period and choosing daily or hourly data. Some of the data dimensions you can report on include cost, impressions, clicks, conversions, CTR, conversion rate, CPC, CPM, and conversion cost. From the Breakdown tab, you can see performance based on audience segments.

Get Started With TikTok Advertising

TikTok advertising isn’t much different from the other social media platforms you’re used to advertising on. With its self-service Ads Manager, TikTok has an easy-to-use advertising platform that takes no time at all to learn and use effectively.

Made it through the article and still don’t think you can handle TikTok advertising on your own? Here are the top TikTok marketing agencies who will do it for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I advertise on TikTok?

TikTok has an easy-to-use self-service advertising platform that makes it a breeze to create an engaging ad campaign. To advertise on TikTok, go to the TikTok Ads dashboard and click on the “Campaign” tab at the top of the page. Once you’ve done that, click the “Create” button. After that, pick a campaign objective, or the primary target for your campaign. You can pick from traffic, conversions, and app installs for your goal.

Is TikTok good for advertising?

TikTok is good for advertising because of the platform’s growing audience. TikTok’s audience spans more than 150 countries and it’s one of the most downloaded apps. Plus, TikTok ads can be placed on the platform’s other products, too. TikTok lets you target just the right audience using age, gender, location, interests, and more.

How much does it cost to advertise on TikTok?

To advertise on TikTok, your ads will start at $10 per CPM. TikTok also has a minimal spend per campaign that amounts $500. As per Admiral Media's handbook, ad costs in 2022 varied between $5.000 to $120.000.

What ad placements does TikTok offer?

The TikTok ad placement platform only supports short form video ad placements right now. If you want to use images, you can use them on TikTok’s News Feed apps. To upload the media, add it to your TikTok library, create a new video or use a video template, or use Smart Video.

How many followers do you need to get paid on TikTok?

To get paid on TikTok, you need to have at least 1,500 followers. As your subscribers account increases, TikTok will pay you more money. Though there are no official numbers, it’s estimated that TikTok will pay around $100 USD for every 10,000 followers for live shows.

About the Author

The Ultimate Guide to TikTok Advertising in 2024 (16)

Werner Geyser


With over 15 years in content marketing, Werner founded Influencer Marketing Hub in 2016. He successfully grew the platform to attract 5 million monthly visitors, making it a key site for brand marketers globally.His efforts led to the company's acquisition in 2020. Additionally, Werner's expertise has been recognized by major marketing and tech publications, including Forbes, TechCrunch, BBC and Wired.

The Ultimate Guide to TikTok Advertising in 2024 (2024)


What is the TikTok strategy for 2024? ›

In 2024, the TikTok community will ignite a transformative mindset fueled by curiosity, imagination, vulnerability and courage. In fact, taking strategic risks and being vulnerable is now the ultimate brand strategy, where leaning into micro insights and showcasing quirks can be your superpower.

How to make great TikTok ads the complete 2024 guide? ›

How to set up a TikTok ad campaign
  1. Create a new Campaign. First, go to the TikTok Ads Manager and hit the Campaign button in the top menu. ...
  2. Create an Ad Group. Okay, the campaign—the highest level of organization for TikTok Ads—is done. ...
  3. Submit your Ad. Finally, it's time to upload your creatives!
May 1, 2023

Is TikTok the future of advertising? ›

TikTok continues to be a compelling platform for expansion of advertising. This is determined through competitive performance, improved site engagement compared to Meta ads, and a unique audience demographic that will likely expand organizational reach to a younger audience.

What is the advertising strategy of TikTok? ›

Use TikTok's audience insights and targeting options to identify key demographics, interests, and behaviors that are most relevant to your brand. Ask yourself where the target audience is on the customer journey. Are they familiar with your brand? If not, you might want to extend your Reach.

What's happening with TikTok in 2024? ›

The addition of the “Protecting Americans' Data From Foreign Adversaries Act of 2024” — which mandates that ByteDance sell its interest in TikTok or face a nationwide ban of the app — was designed to win Republican support for the foreign aid package, which had been stalled in Congress for months.

How to get viral on TikTok in 2024? ›

How to Increase Your Chances of Going Viral on TikTok
  1. Create authentic and relatable content.
  2. Experiment with different video formats.
  3. Utilize trending sounds and effects.
  4. Engage with your audience.
  5. Be consistent.
  6. Monitor and analyze your TikTok analytics.
Apr 19, 2024

How do I become successful with TikTok ads? ›

To get the best results from your TikTok ad campaigns, follow these best practices:
  1. Think TikTok-first. ...
  2. Refresh your creative often. ...
  3. Focus on the hook. ...
  4. Promote at the right time. ...
  5. Use attention-grabbing sound, text and editing techniques. ...
  6. Incorporate hashtags. ...
  7. Incorporate interactive add-ons. ...
  8. Partner with influencers.
May 28, 2024

Are TikTok ads worth it? ›

TikTok ads can be worth it if you have a well-defined target audience, are willing to invest in creative content, and closely monitor and optimise your campaigns. However, success on TikTok requires a deep understanding of the platform and its users, so it's essential to approach it strategically.

Why is TikTok advertising so expensive? ›

Competition: The level of competition among advertisers targeting similar audiences will influence pricing. Higher competition for ad placements may drive prices up as advertisers bid against each other for visibility. Ad performance and engagement: TikTok may adjust pricing based on the historical performance of ads.

Why is TikTok so good for advertising? ›

Freedom to customize ads, creating more engagements

Plus, half of the viewers are likely to make a purchase post-viewing live videos. TikTok provides two major ad formats - Topview and In-Feed. Both of these offer great opportunities for digital marketers to reach their target audience on the platform.

What is the success rate of TikTok ads? ›

TikTok's advertising strategy is effective, with 83% of users finding the app's advertisem*nts entertaining, emphasizing the platform's success in creating engaging and enjoyable ad content.

How to market on TikTok in 2024? ›

We've also summarized our best Tiktok marketing tips in this video.
  1. Create and brand your TikTok account. ...
  2. Define your TikTok audience. ...
  3. Create quality TikTok videos. ...
  4. Use ads in your TikTok marketing strategy. ...
  5. Tap into TikTok influencer marketing. ...
  6. Monitor TikTok analytics to track performance. ...
  7. Jump on popular TikTok trends.

What is the minimum budget for TikTok ads? ›

Is there a minimum budget for running ads? To ensure that your ads have sufficient budget, the minimum budget at the campaign level is $50 and the minimum budget at the ad group level is $20.

What are the best advertising practices on TikTok? ›

Introduce your content proposition in the first 3 seconds for better recall and awareness. Use captions or text overlays to provide context to your ad. We recommend displaying 5-10 words per second when using text. Utilize transitions, stickers, and graphics in your creative to retain engagement and view time.

What is the top TikTok search in 2024? ›

Based on the latest 2024 data, the top search on TikTok is "Music." The next most popular searches are "Roblox," "TikTok," “Song,” and “NBA.”

How long should a TikTok video be in 2024? ›

TikTok decided to increase the time limit to allow creators to explain themselves more. But as suggested by TikTok, your video length must be at least 10 seconds minimum. However, the ideal length of TikTok videos is considered anywhere between 21 seconds to 34 seconds.

What is the TikTok Creator Fund 2024? ›

Just before the start of 2024, TikTok made a massive change in how the platform pays its creators by replacing the controversial Creator Fund with the new TikTok Creativity Program Beta. I wasn't surprised the fund was put to rest, considering how many creators expressed frustration over the fund's payouts.

Should I use hashtags on TikTok in 2024? ›

Hashtags are not a guarantee you'll go viral — but they can improve your chances. Using hashtags doesn't guarantee that your video will go viral. However, developing a strategy for using them in your videos can help increase the number of eyes on your content, reach a specific audience, and build your brand on TikTok.

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